Now that I have all the guys I need to fill out a basic and special weapons squad basecoat plus finished, it is now time for Stage Two.
Stage Two is where I do work in batches in this case Highlighting and rewashing all red cloth to add depth.
I also redo bad eyes add some freehand here and there and tidy up and last bits before final varnishing with Testors Dullcote.
So the first three to get the Stage 2 treatment are the Sarge,Vox, and Troop 6 from A Squad.
I have highlighted all high folds with first a layer 1/1 of Black Red and Carmine Red
Then a finer highlight of 1/1/1 Black Red,Carmine Red,Light Orange after which I applied a Baal Red wash to blend in the highlights.
I have also added the laser sights and chipped paint on the lasguns and shine to the gasmask lenses.