My last post I described how I used a very second hand rhino and made a very well done Death Guard Rhino.
I am doing the same thing with an old predator and another rhino.
As you can see these guys are pretty rough.

The first thing I did was sand off any decals,fix any mold lines and then I re primed it black.
I then gave a good once over with boltgun metal that has received a wash of Vermin Brown and a wash of Scaly Green to give the metal a nice dirty tint.

I then applied a Liquid Mask with a sponge giving extra attention to the edges and hatches.
Once dry I sprayed with Tamiya White and base coated the tank any metal being painted Beastal Brown which gives you the dark red rust base.
Also paint on the badge and unit markings at this stage.

Once done I gave it a wash of Vallejo smoke.